Handling Voicemail
Handling Voicemail with Your AI Assistant
You can set up your AI assistant to automatically detect and handle voicemails. Since your phone assistant will often come across voicemail systems, you have the option to configure it to either hang up or leave a message when it detects one.
The system constantly runs voicemail detection in the background. If you don’t input a voicemail message, the assistant will automatically hang up as soon as it detects a voicemail. However, if you choose to leave a message, the system will wait for its turn to speak before delivering it. If the voicemail detection timeout is reached, the system will stop looking for voicemail and continue the call as usual.
Enabling Voicemail Detection
Inside your assistant’s call settings, there is an option called "Enable Voicemail & Message." Turning this on activates voicemail detection at the start of a call.
- If no voicemail message is provided, the AI will automatically hang up once it detects voicemail.
- If a message is entered, the AI will wait for the right moment and leave that message when it reaches voicemail.
How Voicemail Detection Works
- Hanging up on voicemail – If the AI detects voicemail but has no message to leave, it will simply hang up since its task is complete.
- Leaving a voicemail message – If you want the AI to leave a message for a callback, you can customize it using variables and dynamic inputs to personalize it based on the context of the call.
This feature ensures that your AI assistant can handle voicemails efficiently, whether by hanging up or leaving a tailored message.